the most difficult pieces — a poem about bitterness after a breakup

the most difficult pieces — a poem about bitterness after a breakup

the most difficult pieces are
that you've made me
the enemy

that you've torn down

that we're only
where i thought
we were

that your blood smears
the sunlight,
no salve coating
the night

that you only see
the times
i left,
not the years
i stayed

that you acknowledge
the endings
but never
the reasons

that you choose

that you chose this
over me

Be Careful Who You Love — a poem about love gone wrong

Be Careful Who You Love — a poem about love gone wrong

Blue Green — a poem in loving memory of my uncle and father figure, Johnnie Lynn Zambrowski (1946–2020)

Blue Green — a poem in loving memory of my uncle and father figure, Johnnie Lynn Zambrowski (1946–2020)