Own the Sky — NaPoWriMo Day #11 - a poem about feeling in the zone and being anxiety-free

Own the Sky — NaPoWriMo Day #11 - a poem about feeling in the zone and being anxiety-free

Calm weather, cloudy skies.
Wispy, ethereal, celestial thoughts.
Weave through and wander.
Stay as long as you like.

No calendars here, no clocks.
No deadlines, no time limits.
No ceilings and no rock bottom.

Untied to convention,
we are weightless, so free.
Unbound by intention,
we might fly or just be.

All is well, circle unbroken.
All is blessed by rapt devotion.

Live on, gentle butterfly.
You own the sky.

Dangerous Tracks (Upcoming Release) — NaPoWriMo Day #12 — a poem about heeding advice far too late

Dangerous Tracks (Upcoming Release) — NaPoWriMo Day #12 — a poem about heeding advice far too late

If There's No Fire — NaPoWriMo Day #10 — a poem about being seen and not heard

If There's No Fire — NaPoWriMo Day #10 — a poem about being seen and not heard