Oddlands - NaPoWriMo Day #2

Oddlands - NaPoWriMo Day #2


Welcome to the land of odd,
where upside-down is downside-up
and questioning the answers
gets you admission to the club.

Floating on chilled clouds,
the weight of the world drops,
the pressure of time stops,
and imagination reigns.

The dreams we thought were dead and gone
are breathed back to life again.

The music—with its staccato staircases,
syncopated and synthesized—
from analog to digital, from ether to ears.
It is visual and spatial,
tangible and real.
It caresses and heals
the broken hearts
and shredded brains
and gives the thorned beasts
their courage again.

In the fields of flowers,
we find whatever we've been seeking.
Always there, beneath the blossoms and leaves,
never deliberately hidden from you or from me.

Just waiting.


And the anger you spent
as the unknowing knave
on the well-meaning vizier,
when the wishes you wished for
were somewhere out there.

But all those tiny wounds
that have been hampering you
will now close.
You'll be whole.
Your armor needed no more.

You'll remember the path of the gods
between the oddlands and the land of odd,
and you'll get more and more free
as you think more of you
and less of me.

Eyes of Love - NaPoWriMo Day #3

Eyes of Love - NaPoWriMo Day #3

Heaven (Peach Haze) - NaPoWriMo Day #1

Heaven (Peach Haze) - NaPoWriMo Day #1